Superstar Salman Khan’s period drama Bharat will go under the camera and lights this weekend with the sequence of a circus. The team will begin shooting on an elaborate set erected in Mumbai’s Filmistan Studio, which will go on till August, after which the crew will move to Malta and Abu Dhabi. Director Ali Abbas Zafar, who has been planning the shoot for months, said, “The idea is to create an Indian-Russian circus- like Raj Kapoor’s Mera Naam Joker. Performers from all over the world are flying down for the circus tricks, which will be a mix of trapeze hoops and rope stunts”.
The film also features Global star Priyanka Chopra along with Tabu and Disha Patani in lead roles. Details of Tabu’s character have been kept under the wraps. Speaking about the much anticipated circus sequence, Zafar said, “This is Salman’s and Disha’s introduction. He plays a daredevil stunt-motorcyclist in the circus, while she is a trapeze artist. They both will go through a metamorphosis through the course of the film. The prosthetic will take Salman back to his Karan Arjun days”. The film will feature the Dabangg star sporting five different looks. The star will also recreate his Maine Pyaar Kiya look. Divulging further about the film, Ali Abbas Zafar said, “We will be ending the Mumbai schedule with a Holi song featuring Priyanka and Salman. She joins the shoot in August and will have different looks in the film, which the team has been working on in great detail, as the film travels from the 1960s to the present day”.
The hit director-actor duo will be marking a hattrick with Bharat after their last outing Tiger Zinda Hai. Produced by Atul Agnihotri’s Reel Life Production Pvt. Ltd and Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series, the movie is slated to release on Eid next year. Bharat is an upcoming 2019 Indian action film directed by Ali Abbas Zafar and Jointly produced by Atul Agnihotri, Alvira Khan Agnihotri and Bhushan Kumar, the film stars Salman Khan and Priyanka Chopra in the lead roles. It is a remake of the 2014 South Korean film Ode to My Father. The principal photography started in July 2018. Bharat is scheduled for a theatrical release on Eid 2019.
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