While everybody is compiling lists of their favourite films of the past 12 months- of which we joined in the fun, naturally and you can read it here – we’re now looking ahead. For while we’ve spent so long celebrating films we have seen, now it’s time to get excited about those we haven’t – and here are Hot Corn‘s top 10 picks for films we can’t wait to see in 2019.
ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD – Quentin Tarantino returns, and they are three words that are enough to get any film fan excited. He’s working with Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt once more, and brings in Margot Robbie, not to mention Al Pacino, into this all star cast. The Hateful Eight was a disappointing entry into his remarkable back catalogue of films, but we’re hoping for a change of fortunes with this one.

CAPTAIN MARVEL – In recent times, the MCU has been flourishing and yet mostly by giving us stories on characters we know already, characters we’ve seen before. But now we have a new superhero to meet, in the form of Captain Marvel, played by Brie Larson. Naturally much of the excitement derives from seeing the very first Marvel feature to be led solely by a woman, and of course when you throw in the likes of Jude Law, Ben Mendelsohn and Samuel L. Jackson into the mix, then it’s hard not to be counting down the days.

AVENGERS: ENDGAME – We need to see this film. Not because we anticipate it being great, but when the previous Avengers picture finished, we left with more questions than we had answers, and it’s got to a stage now where we need some goddam closure. Who is alive? Who is dead? How the bloody hell are any of them going to overcome Thanos? Currently the answer to all three of those questions is: no idea. Which just isn’t very satisfactory.

MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONAL – A late addition to our list, as we can’t say we were 100% sold on the idea of a Men in Black reboot. But then the trailer dropped, and it transpires that Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson are a match made in heaven. Emma Thompson and Liam Neeson are also on board, in the Love Actually reunion we didn’t know we needed.

TOY STORY 4 – We can’t lie to you – we had many apprehensions about this film even existing. The toy Story trilogy is perfection, and the way the third film ended was just flawless. We had closure, we had a real sense of finality. It felt like this was a book we could now close for good. Naturally it makes a fourth film seem somewhat needless, but it’s Pixar, and it’s Toy Story, and these guys just do not disappoint. We must have faith – they’ve earnt it.

THE LION KING – Of course these live action Disney remakes aren’t exactly a necessity, but The Jungle Book was so good, we’re happy to see them bring back the tale of Simba to the big screen, with Jon Favreau again at the helm. The trailer made us cry, which is a good indication of what’s in store.

FIGHTING WITH MY FAMILY – The main reasons why we can’t wait to see this particular film, is because we have no idea whatsoever what to expect. With a story centred on a young woman who dreams of being a professional wrestler, rising star Florence Pugh takes on the lead role. But here’s where things get interesting, for the film also features Dwayne Johnson as the supporting lead, and it has ben directed by Stephen Merchant. Yeah, we’re as perplexed as you are, and yet we simply cannot wait.

JOKER – Another film we can’t say we felt was needed in a contempoary cinematic landscape, and yet when it was announced that Joaquin Phoenix was on board, well, that changed matters somewhat .Seeing him in his full attire too, it’s hard not to be excited about what this incredible actor can bring to a character we know and love so well. Of course Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger have both brought him to life in emphatic fashion, but if anyone else can match their efforts, it’s this man.

YOU ARE MY FRIEND – When we saw Why You Be My Neighbour, a documentary about the life of American TV host Fred Rogers, we were overwhelmed by his sheer sincerity, and utter loveliness – something we certainly need a lot more of in a modern world. To then learn that Tom Hanks, a man who exudes sincerity and loveliness, would be playing him in a biopic, well, that was enough. We can’t wait for this one.

STAR WARS: EPISODE IX – Another year, another Star Wars movie. Now while many are getting tired of the franchise, what with all the superfluous sequels and whatnot, this particular entry is different – for its the last one in the series. Of course there will be reboots and origin stories and needless additions to this universe we love, but this film marks the real end. We just hope it’s better than The Last Jedi. We’re pretty confident it will be, mind.

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