Peter Farrelly has segued somewhat seamlessly from laughter to powerful drama. It’s a big jump from Kingpin to Green Book, but one the director has made with ease, no doubt helped by having two amazing stars such as Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali along for the ride. The movie is inspired by a true friendship that transcended race, class and the 1962 Mason-Dixon line. Mortensen plays Tony Lip, a New York City bouncer from an Italian-American neighborhood in The Bronx, hired to drive and protect Dr. Don Shirley (Ali), a world-class black pianist on a concert tour from Manhattan to the Deep South. Their invaluable guide is the titular Green Book — a travel guide to safe lodging and dining options for African Americans during the Jim Crow era — which steers them away from the places where Shirley would be refused service or threatened with violence. We caught up with Mahershala Ali and Viggo Mortensen at the Toronto Film Festival to chat more about the film:
Green Book will be released in US cinemas on 21st November and UK cinemas on 1st February
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