Indiana Jones’ franchise is an adventure that we have been following since we were children. Archeology, History, Culture. But also charm and bravery. «Jones! I recognize that you know to handle the life of a lady!». After the first movie, all of us wanted to be an archeologist. But now guys, time’s up: test your knowledge about Henry Walton Jones, Jr. Can you manage it?
George Lucas’ original name for his hero was:
- Nevada Jones
- Dakota James
- Indiana Smith
- Montana Jack
What’s the name of the college in Last Crusade?
- Barnett College
- Marshall College
- Joffrey College
- Claston College
What’s the name of the tribe that worships the fertility idol in Raiders?
- Shatigos
- Hovitos
- Dojitos
- Kitrikos
Raiders is set in 1936. When is Temple of Doom set?
- 1930
- 1950
- 1935
- 1945
What’s the name of the Shanghai nightclub where we first encounter Willie Scott?
- Club Chewbacca
- Club Leia
- Club Yoda
- Club Obi Wan
Who’s the Kali-worshipping bad guy in Temple of Doom?
- Mola Ram
- Sad Japur
- Dun Dropa
- Kija Irsad
Which item of Indy’s iconic costume is an anachronism?
- His Fedora, that is a popular hat only from the 1950s.
- His shoulder bag: it’s a British gas mask bag from the 1940s
- The leather jacket: it’s an item introduced in America around the 1960s.
- The dressed leather belt: we don’t have any evidence of it before 1945.
What was the original title of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom?
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Curse
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Death
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Fate
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Hope
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