Lorenzo Crestani active 6 years, 12 months agoPostsSubmissionsVotesProfileApproved Show: AllAudioClassic listEmbedGalleryHot or NotImageMemeOpen listPersonality quizPollRanked listStoryTrivia quizVersusVideo Stai visualizzando 10 articoli (dal 1 al 10) di 17 totali 1 2 → Freshly PoppedWalking in New York: from Friends to Sex and the City InterviewAdam Driver: “Marriage Story? I bring my personal life in this role” InterviewHigh School Musical: The Musical: The Series | Interview with the cast InterviewMark Duplass: “The Morning Show? An opportunity to be in a great quality TV production” InterviewGreta Gerwig: “Little Women? A great revolution dedicated to all ambitious girls” InterviewBojana Novakovic on Instinct 2: “A police show more human, than superhuman” InterviewDavid Harbour: «Stranger Things? A revolution that won the heart of people» InterviewKeegan-Michael Key: “The Lion King? I was excited to be part of this historical thing” InterviewBilly Eichner: «The Lion King teaches us to be more compassionate to other people» InterviewOlivia Wilde: “Booksmart is my love letter to young generation” Stai visualizzando 10 articoli (dal 1 al 10) di 17 totali 1 2 →