Lydia Allegretto active 6 years, 6 months agoPostsSubmissionsVotesProfileApproved Show: AllAudioClassic listEmbedGalleryHot or NotImageMemeOpen listPersonality quizPollRanked listStoryTrivia quizVersusVideo Stai visualizzando 5 articoli (dal 1 al 5) di 5 totali Freshly PoppedJohn C. Reilly: “We founded the West by murdering all the Indians and destroying all the buffalo” InterviewThe Favourite’s Emma Stone: “Initially I didn’t fully understand what was expected of me…” Freshly PoppedGIFs we’d never stop watching: Get out Freshly PoppedGIFs we’d never stop watching: Jennifer Lawrence Freshly Popped5 GIFs you could watch all day Stai visualizzando 5 articoli (dal 1 al 5) di 5 totali
Freshly PoppedJohn C. Reilly: “We founded the West by murdering all the Indians and destroying all the buffalo”